Friday, February 20, 2009

New name, logo

This is what the end of the common cold will look like! If you are really deep in this web 2.0 thing, you may be able to guess something about how our service works by only looking at the white curvy lines of the logo...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Opening up, slowly

Next friday we will present our project to a set of bright minds in TAIK Medialab. Thank you Teemu Leinonen for the opportunity. Our presenation will be part of a bigger study project:

I think we have a screenshot of our service in one of the slides. This means we are opening up the project a bit, eventually on this "radically open" blog too :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Kaisla Innovations, that's us!

Just wanted to let you know that we are called Kaisla Innovations and soon we'll have business cards. There's nothing in, except that it's orange. Hanne told us that orange equals innovation ;)

Next week more update on our project. It's suprisingly difficult to be open about something that you are working on.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Some publicity 2

Here is a link to the story on Ylioppilaslehti published yesterday (in Finnish).

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tweaking and tuning forever

I've been working on our front page lately. It's the page where the critical eyes come for the first time, "what a useless service" already echoing in the mind.

Someone once said this about communication: If you throw a ball to a friend, she'll catch it. If you throw two, she'll probably catch one. If you throw three, she'll miss them all. So I've tried to narrow our message to one. It's difficult. We tell that this service is here to remove the common cold. We utilize Facebook status updates, Twitter and similar (Why there is no single word for these, why can't the microblog be commonly understood?) by collecting medical symptoms.  And in the end we warn users about incoming colds near their homes or workplaces. Where's the math of 1+1+1=1?

One page, ten seconds and five words is a too long sentence. I like easy answers, I tried to find them, but I think there are none. Sometimes the sky pieces of the puzzle must be added slowly, one by one. But in this puzzle they also have to be constantly removed.